
Hello, I'm

Bharani kumari kargani

A Web Developer From Thorredu

I'm creative Web Developer in Thorredu, and I'm very passionate and dedicated to my work.


Educational Qualification

MCA(Master Of Computer Application)85%
Bsc(Computer Science)80%
SSC(Secondary Education)75%

Html,css,Js,Bootstrap, php,wordpress,codeignitor

I'm a Developer

I Can Design & Develop Anything You Want

Hello there! I'm a web designer / Developer , and I'm very passionate and dedicated to my work. With 3 years experience as a professional web developer, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make your project a success. I enjoy every step of the design process, from discussion and collaboration.


What I Do for Clients

  • Creative Design

    I Design responsive, beautiful projects on the web with the most popular front-end component librarys and tools.

    I Design responsive, beautiful projects on the web with the most popular front-end component librarys and tools.

  • Develop

    I Develop Web/App projects using the frameworks like Angular, Node, PHP, Mysql & Realtime Technologies

    I Develop Web/App projects using the frameworks like Angular, Node, PHP, Mysql & Realtime Technologies

  • Admin

    I Admin the leading cloud services like Amazon/Google for the project hosting, domain systems, storage & databases.

    I Admin the leading cloud services like Amazon/Google for the project hosting, domain systems, storage & databases.

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